Thursday, October 11, 2012


Whew... busy long day, but totally ending on a good note so... YAY! That makes me smile :)

I have 3 kids in the home right now and am a (mostly) stay at home mom. My husband has a good job, but with one in high school, one in middle school and one in grammar school, life is really expensive if I don't tackle it right. Don't get me wrong, I love it! There are times when having a tight budget has really paid off! Pun totally intended ;) There is something about cooking, making laundry soap, or crafting festive decor together that makes a family unit seem more connected <3

...but sometimes I just want something for free... I know... I know... BUT YOU DO TOO!

So here it is, I have a really great site to share with you! It's one of the best things I have ever joined and if you are looking for something to do in your spare time this is great for you! It's called Smiley360! It is free to join and once you do there are opportunities to accept missions. The missions are product reviews and we all know that you can't review a product unless you have product to review :)

The last mission that I accepted was for Homestyle Stock. I took a very short survey on how familiar I was with the product and then they sent me a package! It had a box of the Homestyle Stock, a really nice ladle, and a bunch of high value coupons for $1 off to keep and to give away! Once I was done with the stock I went back to site and reviewed it. Easy as pie! I have accepted lots of great missions through them so now I share it with you here:

Smiley360 Sign Up Page   

Another great thing about Smiley360 is that they are associated with Operation Smile which is a great organization that helps kids with cleft pallets and lips get the surgery they need to not only be able to live a normal life, but in some cases, be able to live at all! GET ON BOARD! Children are so precious!

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