Monday, October 15, 2012


Several months ago I was in the supermarket and was looking at the price of bread crumbs... Seriously people? I can not believe you pay that much for something so simple to make! It's seriously insane that they want to charge you up to $6 for a can of stale bread! I shook my head and walked away but it got me thinking...

What do you throw your money away on? No, really... what are the silly things that you buy that you could make in a matter of minutes at home? How much money could you save on that every year? When I think about it I just want to die... So much money wasted on such simple things... Like bread crumbs.

I haven't bought laundry soap in over a year now because I make my own... and truth be told, it works better than Tide!I make my own fabric softener and I also found a recipe to make my own body wash out of any kind of bar soap I so desire. A gallon at a time for the cost of 2 bars of soap and some glycerin. Can't wait to try that one out! I'll post it when I do to let you know how it turned out :)

Right now, though, I am going to show you how easy it is to make bread crumbs... oh and make a big batch all at once so you can store the leftovers in the freezer and just pull them out as needed:

Bread Crumbs

Take your bread of choice and set out on cookie sheets before you go to bed. 
Wake up.
Take dry bread and run through food processor or grater.

Yeah... it's really just like that. Check it out! You even get to sleep in the middle of this recipe! How awesome is that? If you want Italian bread crumbs then add some seasoning... parsley, parm and rosemary. Whatever you like! Chances are you have a loaf of bread hanging out on your counter that has been open a couple days anyway! 


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