Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Farmly... pets that feed us...

I love animals. LOVE them to pieces... here is a rundown of the love we have in our house. 1 ferret, 1 duck, 1 bunny, 1 dog, 1 fish, 3 cats, 3 kittens (looking for homes) and 11 chickens (1 unintentional rooster).

I wonder if many of you know the joy of having a back yard flock. They are so soothing, to watch these beautiful red birds roam around in the cool of the day. Knowing that they are not only organically fertilizing your yard and eating a large amount of insects, but at the end of the day, 10 of these lovely ladies will produce 5-8 eggs. Now that may not sound like too many but trust me, if you go a day or two with out baking or a day without a bunch of eggs for breakfast, it adds up fast! I usually have at least 2 dozen eggs, organic and free range mind you, in my fridge. I save about $12-$14 a week! This is great because as I said before... I am a bargain hunter. They take very little maintenance and the feed only costs about $14 a month. Less if you have stuff in your yard we can eat. They love to eat all kinds of weeds and bugs so the only time they really have much of a food expense is in the winter. Not to mention the kids get a kick out of them. It's a great teaching tool about the way that the animals provide for us when we provide for them as well as the circle of life. Give it some thought and see if you can't try your hand at it. Most cities, even larger ones such as Seattle, allow for 3 or 4 back yard hens.

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