Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bunny Love

So my (almost) 16 year old is in love with bunnies. She has been since she was a baby. She used to have a book called Fluffy Bunnies. It was one of those cardboard ones for little ones. We read that book every day and by the time she was a year old she could say half of the words in it and I had long since memorized it cover to cover.

Last year we got her a bunny. We have lots of animals already and thought that this would be good for her as something she could raise on her own. She did very well with the one and he is a happy, chubby, spoiled, Fluffy Bunny. Being as her birthday is only a couple days away I conspired with a friend of mine to get my girl a show quality female rabbit while she was away for the weekend. The bunny, now named Orchid, is 3 months old and just a sweetheart. When my daughter got home she literally squealed when she walked in to her room and saw the set up with this new little bunny girl.

We live in a farming area. There is a small city close to us but all around is farming and orchard community. I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world. I really think that this is going to be a good thing for my daughter as she will be able to raise and breed show rabbits from profit. Plus this is an animal that she absolutely loves so that's even better.

I think that it is important for kids to have good work ethic and if you have the space and ability this is a very cheap and easy way to show it to them. Rabbits are fairly inexpensive to take care of and are wonderful pets. If there are fairs in your area you can also enter them there for a whole new twist on how agriculture works. It's a wonderful experience for the whole family!

If you have ever wondered how to breed and raise rabbits you can check it out at the  Raising Rabbits website. It gives you all kinds of info to help you on your way. One of the best tips I can give is to make sure that you feed them well. Rabbits shouldn't live on pellets along. Fresh fruits, veggies and lots of hay are great for them and will make a happy rabbit :)

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