Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oh today...

My day usually starts at about 6am... if I'm lucky. Today it started at 6:05! Score! My typical morning is that of getting kids out of bed, dressed, fed, "oh-no"s which consist of forgotten signed forms and whatnot from the back pack. Then there are morning chores that need to take place. Check the garden, feed the chickens, feed the ducks, cats and dog, check the grapes, set out the water. Done... for now. Then the kids are off for the day onto the school bus and my day really begins. I make bread, dessert, get dinner started in one way or another. Today it consists of putting a corned beef into the crock pot. Mmm... one of this mama's very favorites. I also made a coconut pie. It is my grandma's recipe and I couldn't live without it. It is supper simple and is so incredibly easy to make. Today I will show you how :)

Grandma Sook's Amazing Coconut Pie

Preheat your oven to 350 and grease a 8x8 square pan or 9in pie pan

2c milk
3/4c sugar
1/4c butter (softened)
1tsp vanilla
4 eggs
1/2c baking mix (she made her own but bisquick works just fine!)
1 1/3c coconut plus 1 cup for on top.

Now here is the best part... Throw it all in a blend aside from the extra cup of coconut! Blend for about a minute and a half and then pour into the pan. Sprinkle the rest on top and press down then bake for 40 minutes! Now let it cool for a little while and place in the fridge until you are ready to serve it! Keeps for 4 or 5 days, but it never lasts that long in my house. Enjoy!

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