Thursday, October 25, 2012

Blah... What Helps

I'm not feeling to well today. The last couple weeks have been hard on my family as we are getting used to the fact that daddy will be gone more as he is moving up through his company and so we got our first real taste of it recently. He has been gone 8 days over the last couple weeks and will be leaving again on Halloween for a couple more days. I do have a help in my back pocket though that keeps me going without having to chug 80 million (that is my go-to number just FYI) cups of coffee. Today I have relied on it as I have not been able to really stomach caffeine, but being a mommie I still need to keep up with the kids and do things around the house.

I bought a juicer about a year ago and have loved it for so many reasons. It's a great teaching tool for the younger kids and all of them love the idea of being able to make whatever flavor juice they like. I got a cheap-o $35 dollar one from Walmart and it hasn't failed me yet! No need to run out and buy that shiny $100 wonder model. Mine does the same thing.

Here is my juice that I like to drink to give me a boost and help me fight off whatever is getting me down. All the amazing vitamins and phyto-nutrients in this juice works as a great antioxidant as well. Whatever you do, do NOT peel or seed anything! There is so much good stuff in there!

Jess's Juice

1 large cucumber
3 apples
1 lemon
1 lime
3 hand fulls of baby spinach or kale
1 orange
1 green pepper
2 large carrots
thank you for the pic!

Now don't freak out! It tastes nothing like a cucumber or spinach. It tastes like fruit. When you have your juice it may be a little foamy and that is normal so it is best to either skim the top or drink it through a straw. I usually make up several batches at once and keep it in a pitcher in my fridge so I have it on hand. It is better cold as with any fruit juice so make it as night and don't be afraid to toss in veggie scraps from dinner. Carrot tops, broccoli stems, you name it! It's good for you!

Oh lookie here! I have a coupon for spinach right HERE!!!!!


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