Thursday, October 11, 2012

Oh Fudge...

I love this time of year. I really start to get into the cooking and baking mood and it makes me happy. One of my favorite things to make is fudge because it is soooo stinkin simple. I have all these recipes that call for marshmallow this and temper that but I have come up with the easiest fudge in the world and you can add just about anything to it! Here is the basic...

Easy-Peasy Fudge

Prepare a double boiler so that it is simmering.

In the top of the double boiler add 1 package of chocolate chips and begin to melt.

Once the chips have started to melt then add one can of sweetened condensed milk.

Stir these until the chocolate is completely melted and the milk is well mixed in.

Pour into prepared pan. Cool in fridge.


I told you it was easy! Now, if you don't have a double boiler then you can place a sauce pan or metal bowl on top of a sauce pan. Make sure that the water in the bottom IS NOT touching the bottom of the other bowl/pan or you will scald your fudge and that is a sad day situation. I like to line my pans with wax paper before pouring it in because it just lifts out and you can easily pull the wax paper from the fudge. Also I have found that when you go into the hispanic food section they have sweetened condensed milk that is not only cheaper, but comes in a couple different flavors!

Some things that I like to do with my fudge:

-Add a 1/4c Nutella
-Use white chips and add nutmeg (Eggnog)
-Use dark chocolate chips and add cranberries


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