Friday, October 12, 2012

Our Family Cows

My husband has been out of town helping on our families ranch. His parents live there and are getting on in years so it's good for him to be up there. A little note about my in-laws... I am probably the luckiest wife on the face of the planet. They are some of the most incredible people I have ever met. Hard working with huge hearts and a love for each other that I could only wish to have. Ok, that sounded bad, but honestly I have never met two people more in love then them. It's beautiful. They own nearly 200 acres in the high country of Washington and raise Highland Cattle. They are 100% organic fed and the meat is just amazing. They grow all of their own feed and the cows have the run of some of the most beautiful countryside I have every laid my eyes on.

I mean seriously... they may have commercials on TV that tell you that happy cows come from California, but I pretty sure that these ones are happier. I know I would be with views like these!

If you ever have the chance to enjoy a good Highland Cattle steak or burger you really should go for it! It is not like anything that you will get in the supermarket! It is absolutely amazing! 

Or you could just find a ranch and pet one! They are sooooo cute!

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