Friday, October 19, 2012

Holiday Shopping Has Begun! Clothing Coupons!

I try to do some shopping all throughout the year. That gets harder as time goes on though because when dealing with teenagers you never know what is cool today... because it is surely NOT what was cool yesterday. Ugh... oh the fun of being a mommie. Wouldn't trade it for the world BUT I have had to make some changes to the way I shop.

Stocking stuffers and the go to's like funky pens, animal hats, socks, gloves, and all the other old standbys can easily be picked up along the way but when it comes to fashion (which seems to cost more every second!) I have had to wait until fall to pick up the "cool" stuff.

I was looking at an amazing blog that I love to browse called Thrifty NorthWest Mom because, well, that's where I live! LOL! You should totally check it out because it has a ton of great deals and not just for the NorthWest. Well today they posted some amazing coupons that I had to share because they are incredible! A whole bunch of retail coupons!

Here is a list!

Woohoo! There is something in here for everyone! Go THRIFTY NW MOM  to get a ton more great offers and have fun shopping!!! 

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