Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Shopping Change...

I used to Never shop at Safeway. It was expensive. Plain and simple. I was always an avid shop hopper and I still am to some extent, but lately I have has a lot better luck at Safeway.

Have you all tried the Just For U yet? I am really impressed with this program! There where a couple things that I liked to buy at Safeway before the program change. Dairy was always a good bet there and if you go in on a week night around 9 they usually had juice jugs and half cartons marked down. My kids will drink a gallon of OJ in 2 days so who cares if it is 3 days from the pull date?

Because the Just For U program tracks your purchases it can generate coupons detailed to your needs. Not only does it do that, but it also gives you free things once a week! One week I got 4 different spices FOR FREE! It was nearly $20 worth of spices for nothing! It also has a great app so you have your list of what you want from the store right there! It loads all the coupons on your card and you can see those on your phone so you won't miss anything. Plus you can load manufacturers coupons on your card through the site for you and stacks the coupons instantly in the check out! HOW AWESOME!

Check it out on the Just For U Registration Page.

 You won't be disappointed! 

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