Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Plug-In Trick

If you are anything like me you really like your house to smell good. I have air fresheners all over. One of those cool automatic ones in the living room, the plug in ones in the kitchen and bedroom and the cone type in the bathroom and kids rooms. I keep the cone type in the kids rooms because they are totally risk free and are cheap cheap, plus they come in like 100 different scents so the kids can be as picky as they want about that and I'm ok with it :)

I was recently looking at my plug in ones thinking that it was really neat that they are interchangeable now days. Most brands refills can be swapped to increase your variety without having to by a new gadget. When I went to go buy a refill I was hoping to find a cinnamon scented one for the holiday season, but they only had apple cinnamon and I never liked the smell of burning applesauce, which is what they smell like to me...  Now I was on a mission.

I went home and took a careful look at my refill and right along the top where the "wick" enters the bottle I noticed a seam *excited* and so I grabbed a butter knife that was on the counter next to me *giddy* and popped the cap off *EEEEEE!* It worked! I was totally able to rinse it out and fill it with cinnamon oil! YAY!

The really great thing about this is that you can make it any scent you want! You could even make them to suit your situation. If you have a cold you could put a little eucalyptus oil in one and run that for a couple days, or if you are having a hard time sleeping try lavender oil. You get to pick! It's really great!

Here is a direct link to Amazon's Essential Oil collection! They have some REALLY great deals!


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