Saturday, October 27, 2012

Making Brown Sugar :)

So I like to bake... no secret here, just ask all my friends that are trying to diet... I'm a bad influence with my "come on, just one!" Hehehe... shame on me, I know, but I love to feed people...

With my love to bake I am faced with the rising costs of baking goods. One of the easiest ways to bypass one of the go to's, brown sugar, is to make it! It's just about one of the easiest things that you can make and cheap too. In fact you probably already already have the ingredients on hand if you do any kind of cooking.

What you will need:

A Bowl
Spoon or Gloves
White Sugar
Zipper Bag

For every cup of sugar add one tablespoon of molasses and the result will be light brown sugar. If you want dark brown sugar then you double the molasses. Store in a gallon zipper bag. It's really that easy! 

My little one likes to be hands on so she goes with the glove method and honestly this works better because you can rub the molasses between your fingers with the sugar making quick work of the brown sugar. If you are like me and are a fan of Costco for staples, you can get sugar super cheap and a bottle of molasses will make about 20lbs of brown sugar. 20lbs of sugar in a grocery store is going to cost you a pretty penny and honestly, why buy sugar twice? 


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