Monday, January 21, 2013

Something that has become dear to my heart...

I know that I have not posted anything in a long time... I could list of a million reasons why but I will spare you the agony of reading about my nitty gritty, save one thing.

A couple months ago our dear friends had a little baby boy. He is so cute and precious, a blessing in every way but unfortunately he was born with a really rare condition. It is called Zellweger Syndrome. He needs a feeding tube and an oxygen tube. He moves very little and can't cry very loud. His parents where actually told that he wouldn't make it to the new year... can I just say that one of the best things I've done in years was be there when the clock struck 12! What a great feeling to tell him Happy New Year!

I am affixing a link to the site where you can donate to this amazing little man. Check it out! Learn about this rare disease that has taken the lives of many little angles... thank you for spreading the word with me...

Cash for Cash...

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