Monday, January 21, 2013

A Fun Upcycle!

I found this neat idea on the Recycled Art Foundation page on Facebook! 

I love bagel sandwiches but if I am not eating them at home it is hard to find a bag or container that fits them. I, personally would rather use a container because that way I'm not being wasteful and I honestly never would have thought of this! GENIUS! 

How cool is this? We go through tons of cds because I am a picture junkie when it comes to my kids, family, friends, vacations, anything and I always knew that these would come in handy but wasn't sure for what. What's really cool is that I have a couple of the large ones from when we bought 100 count spindles of cds so I can pack 2 in one if we are going on a picnic! 

Add a little variety to your lunch today! 


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