Monday, January 21, 2013


Along with the last post I made about baby Cash I would like you all to take a look at this site. They are  really a wonderful organization dedicated to helping families dealing with the same type of syndrome that my friends baby boy is struggling with.

The Global Foundation for Peroxisomal Disorders

I contacted this organization the day that I got confirmation of what was wrong with baby Cash. It was about 10 pm when I emailed them explaining what the diagnosis was. The next morning I had received an email and that afternoon I was called by the Family Support Group Coordinator, who also has a baby struggling with this problem. They are so loving and personal. Truly concerned about the heath and well being of not only the child, but of the family and friends. I urge you to check this out, learn about this disorder, and if you feel so inclined, donate. Someday there will be a cure. Lets make it sooner than later!

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