Friday, May 30, 2014

It's been so long...

I can't believe how long it has been! I have been working and loving life in so many ways that I have all but forgotten about this blog! I need to make it a point to make sure that I am on here more often... goodness... I'm so sorry.

My baby girl is growing up. She will be starting middle school this year and I don't know what to think about. My oldest girl is about to be a senior in HS and I'm panicking because in a few short months that will put 2 of my kids into the realm of adulthood! YIKES! I'm feeling old all of the sudden... thank goodness for the two middle boys who are still awkward teens LOL!

I have been working in a salon and it has been a blast. I took over as coordinator about a month ago and got to finally hire last week to help me out! Praise the Lord because I have been working my hind end off... loving every minute of it, but am desperately missing my kids and becoming very tired working over 50 hours a week! Check out where I work right here... Salon Expressions Day Spa! I find it humorous that I am a salon coordinator and my husband is a beauty supply manager, but hey, we help each other out and that's great!!! The more I can do with him the better... sure do love that guy.

That's the Bunny version of us...

Church has been going great! My love took over as the Children's Pastor this summer and the two of us head up the whole kid crew from birth to 5th grade! It's really just pretty amazing and I love what God is doing through us and for us in this ministry. I tell you what, there is so much to learn from these innocent little hearts! Some days I really feel like I am being taught far more than I could ever teach them and I love it! I couldn't ask for a better church and really love the sense of community that we share at Praise Center!

As always I'll be keeping you up to date on all my cool finds and fun stuff. I just wanted to give you a quick update on what has been going on in the Morgan household! Have an amazing weekend! We are off to a wedding in Oregon! Can't wait to take a fun little trip with the fam! God Bless!!!